The effects of whiplash

On behalf of: admin | Posted in: Car Accidents on: Friday, February 13, 2015

While car wrecks are common in areas like Ontario, most people are rarely prepared for the injuries that may ensue. Whiplash is a common injury that occurs when an individual’s head and neck are jarred from side to side, often the result of rear-end collisions.

Several problems can extend from suffering whiplash, including disc herniation and joint dysfunction. It is possible that the impact can harm the discs between the spine’s vertebrae, creating small tears that could possibly irritate the nerves. An individual with a herniated disc might experience jolting pain throughout the arms, tingling, numbness and even muscle weakness.

Whiplash can also cause joint dysfunction, which may affect the shock absorbency in spine and limb joints. Under some circumstances, this can lead to pain and limited movement. Overall, the severity of whiplash typically depends on the body’s ability to stabilize itself at the point of impact.

Many factors can contribute to whiplash, including the victim’s age, awareness, posture at the point of impact and overall physical health. However, car accidents that cause these injuries cannot always be avoided. When someone is harmed by the recklessness or general negligence of a motorist, he or she may have grounds to consider legal action. Procuring the aid of a personal injury lawyer might be helpful in providing evidence of negligence and advocating for compensation. Should a civil suit be successful, the awarded damages could assist with medical bills associated with whiplash or other injuries suffered as a direct result of the wreck.

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