Rear-end collisions happen frequently at intersections, in rush hour traffic and in a variety of other situations. After an accident, you can obtain accident benefits from your own insurance policy and you may be able to secure a car rental while your car is being repaired. Additionally, you may be able to secure other compensation for your pain and suffering from the at-fault driver.
At Krylov Lam & Company, we work hard to secure full compensation for our clients’ injuries in an auto accident. With extensive experience representing accident victims in Southwestern Ontario, our Toronto rear-end collision lawyers can help you secure the compensation you deserve.
The at-fault rules vary depending on the specific circumstances in each case. However, in most cases, the rear driver is at fault. For example, if car “A” is stopped at a stoplight and car “B” rear-ends car “A,” car “B” is 100 percent at fault for that accident.
Our lawyers will diligently investigate the cause of your rear-end collision in order to determine fault. Even a simple rear-end collision can lead to serious injuries, including whiplash, soft tissue injuries, spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. We understand the toll these injuries can have on you and your family, and we will work to secure the compensation you need.
Additionally, our personal injury lawyers have experience helping families who have lost a loved one in a fatal accident. While we understand that no amount of compensation can make up for your loss, we can help you hold the negligent party financially accountable through a wrongful death claim.
Contact us for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer.
We are on your side. So don’t settle, win!