Three Ontario residents were hospitalised on Feb. 23 following a traffic accident at the intersection of Baseline Road and Manning Road in Tecumseh. The vehicles involved were travelling north on Manning Road when the minivan and car started to slow down. The tractor-trailer truck following behind them did not stop, crashing into the two vehicles in front of it.
OPP had to close Manning Road between Highway 401 and County Road 42 to investigate the auto accident. Charges are pending against the 64-year-old truck driver, who was uninjured, for careless driving.
Two of the people hospitalised were a 66-year-old man and his wife. They were travelling in the first vehicle and suffered minor injures. Their conditions were stable the following day. However, the 30-year-old female driver of the middle vehicle suffered serious injuries. The day after the accident, her condition was downgraded to fair.
Traffic accidents can cause a variety of injuries such as head trauma, fractures, disfigurement and damage to soft tissues. The victims might be granted compensation for the financial repercussions related to these injuries if other individuals caused the collisions because of negligence. The compensation could provide the victims with money for pain and suffering, loss of income and emotional distress.
Ontario also has laws that allow drivers to seek benefits from their auto insurers for injuries suffered in car accidents that they caused. The no-fault crash benefits may include income replacement, caregiver benefits and rehabilitation services.
People who are injured in traffic collisions, whether or not they are at fault, could get help from personal injury lawyers when seeking benefits or compensation. The lawyers might obtain the aid of private investigators to thoroughly analyse the circumstances of the accidents.
Source: The Windsor Square, "Serious Injuries Sustained In Collision," Rick Tonial, Feb. 24, 2015
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