Ontario bicyclists are enjoying the late summer weather and coming out in droves to get in some good rides before the chill of autumn sets in. But safety should be foremost in all riders’ minds.
According to Safe Kids Worldwide, an international organisation that is dedicated to preventing childhood injuries, a well-fitting bike helmet is "the single most effective safety device available to reduce head injury and death" as a result of bicycle accidents. While the following tips were designed by the organisation for youth bicyclists, they make good sense for riders of all ages in the province.
— Choose a helmet that fits the head properly and adheres to industry safety standards.
— A helmet must be worn during every bicycle ride, no matter how short.
— The fit of a helmet should be level on top of the rider’s head and not be able to shift backward, forward or to either side.
— Keep the straps on the helmet buckled, but don’t make them too tight
Safe Kids recommends a Helmet Fit Test, which has three safety components:
— Eyes check. If the helmet is correctly positioned on the head, when the rider looks up, he or she should be able to see the helmet’s lower rim situated a couple finger-widths on top of the eyebrows.
— Ears check. The helmet straps should form a "V" shape under the ears when buckled. Straps should be snug, yet comfortable.
— Mouth check. When the rider’s mouth is completely open, the helmet should hug the head. If it doesn’t, tighten the straps, making sure the buckle lies flush against the skin.
Riders of all ages should make sure that no clothing items can catch in the spokes or chains of the bike and cause the rider to take a tumble.
It is unfortunate that no matter how safe a bicyclist is, he or she is still at risk from a collision with an errant driver. If you find yourself injured in a bike crash, your best option may be to file a civil claim in the Ontario courts.
Source: safekids.org, "Bike Safety Tips," accessed Sep. 10, 2015