A man recently died while riding his bicycle across Canada to raise money for the World Wildlife Federation. He was tragically hit by a car and killed along the Trans-Canada Highway not far from Brandon, Manitoba. The incident occurred at approximately 8 p.m. last Monday.
According to police, the 24-year-old Toronto man was riding his bike when a sport utility vehicle struck him while traveling in the same direction. A 28-year-old woman was driving the sport utility vehicle along with three passengers — none of whom was injured. Police do not suspect that alcohol played a role in this fatal bicycle accident.
Friends posted messages in memory of the cyclist on his Facebook page. His last post was a photograph taken just hours before he died. No information has been released about how this tragic incident may have occurred, but police will likely conduct detailed investigations to determine exactly who was at fault.
The cyclist was already planning his trip when he came up with the idea of turning it into a fundraising opportunity. His chosen charity was the World Wildlife Fund. While he was not able to complete his journey, at least he has succeeded in bringing more attention to the organization and its mission.
While the details of how this particular Canada bicycle accident was caused, it is not uncommon for inattentive driving, speeding, texting-while-driving or some other kind of negligence to cause a fatal bicycle accident. Family members of bicyclists killed in such cases may have strong claims for financial restitution.
Source: globalnews.ca, "Toronto man cycling across Canada for charity killed in Manitoba crash" Lara Schroeder, Sep. 22, 2014
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